Here's my lists:
2009 - The Good!
- We got our pup Onyx in January!
(He doesn't like when I blog - he'll put himself in awkwardly uncomfortable positions and sigh loudly so I see how uncomfortable he is, because of my need to blog, it's all my fault don'tcha see.)
- I started going back to school this year. While it made for a very stressful year, it has to go on the good list because these are forward steps to a better career.
- After MONTHS of no kitchen, we finally finished phase 1 of renovations!


- My family came to Charleston, Pops, Mommala, the family P, the family S, AoM! A great year of visits! And I expect y'all to come back in 2010 too.
- I started this here blog, which I luurve!
- For Christmas, we got the best gift ever!

Good stuff right? 2009, you've taken a lot of slack, but you know what, maybe you weren't so bad afterall.
But wait, there's still the bad list:
2009 - The Bad
- My bad list has a series of 3 things, all cause and effect related to each other, but listed separately. #1 - I hurt my back while moving into new house. (Resulted in weekly visits to the chiropractor all year)
- I got laid off my job. (but found another right away thankfully!)
- Stress due to getting laid off, work, school, back problems, kitchen renovations, etc. lead to WEIGHT GAIN - AAAAHHHHHHHH!!! Say it ain't so. Rewind, I need a do over! This was the #1 worst thing about 2009. Grrrr.
- Having to work Christmas. Which of course I resolved by wearing a sweater that made me laugh. See Santa? See dee beadie eyes? Haha! And it's a sweater VEST ala the Pete's Sweaty Balls skit on SNL - See HERE.
So there are my lists. All in all, the good still outweighs the bad, so while at first thought, I want to call 2009 the year of Bah! it actually was ok. Here's what I've discovered and all of you were probably waiting patiently for it to bonk me in the head: there is no way for this bipolar way to exist in harmony. I cannot have both my baking and being fit, at least not until I am fit first. Then maybe in moderation and only with self control and a serious workout afterwards.
But for now, I must give it up if I want to lose weight. Alright, so resolutions may be hokey, but here is mine: Finish what I start.
This past year I've started so many things and not saw them to completion, this is what I will vow to do. For starters, I'm going to be doing the Quantum Wellness Cleanse, a 21 day cleanse of body, mind, and spirit. I need a good kick start you see. The cleanse includes giving up caffeine, alcohol, gluten, animal products, and sugar for 21 days.

It's going to be tough, but it must be done. I need a swift kick to the hiney (Kick em in the left knee, kick em in the right knee, kick em in the H-I- neee!) to get going. I realized that it doesn't matter what you do to lose weight, all it really boils down to is willpower. I'm working on this. That's why I think this cleanse will be good, the book talks you through it day by day, hence the mind and spiritual cleansing in addition to body.
Wrong or not, I will be celebrating Tonight!! YEAH! I'm talking all 5 things I'm giving up tomorrow, I'm having tonight. My menu: turkey wrapped asparagus, chicken meatballs, veggie quesadilla, cheese and crackers, champagne, and THIS.

Photo and recipe from