Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Link Love: Breads

Lately the baking bug has been biting me repeatedly.  As much as I want to say no, then I think..well it won't hurt.  I'll just make it and give it, just get it out of my house and I'll be fine.  In theory that works quite well, unless you are lingering with those you give to, then eat a bit or twelve. 

I blame the baking bug on other people's blogs.  There have been some wonderful posts lately on breads.  Here's a few:

Quick Banana Bread by Yadi at Shop.Cook.Make:  ~ I just love her blog by the way, gorgeous photos and tempting recipes!

Ice Cream Bread by Leslie at The Hungry Housewife: ~Seriously, you need to see this recipe!

Peanut Butter Bread with Struesel Topping by Mary at One Perfect Bite:  Um, hello!  Peanut Butter AND struesel topping!?  Perfection indeed!

Cheesy Pepperoni Pizza Quick Bread by Jenny at Picky Palate:  I'm dying right now, dying ya hear?  I need this in my belly right now!

Noooooooooooooooooow you see why I currently have a loaf of zucchini bread in my oven?  If it turns out half as pretty as the photos above I will post it later tonight!


  1. I"m definitely going to try a few of those! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I see my Banana Bread! Thanks for including it!!!!
