Monday, February 1, 2010


It's February, already! January (aka the "Monday") of the year has gone in the blink of an eye, no?

For me, it's been crazy hectic but good.  For the year, I have 2 sets of goals: Those to be met by June and those to be met by December.  Along the way, I've come up with some new goals already too.  I've been thinking about my resolution to finish what I start and what I've come to realize is, my problem isn't exactly that I don't finish things, it's that I take on more than I can handle.  If I didn't need sleep, I could do it all, but unfortunately I run best on 8-10 hours.  Seriously.  Maybe that will change when I lose weight?  Right now if I'm running on 7 hours of sleep, I am pretty much useless all day unless I can take a nap.

"When you're tired you take a napa, you don't move to napa" ~Never can resist a SATC quote!

Right now at church we are in the "Dream series" - inspiring people to discover the dream in their heart and stepping out of the comfort zone to reach it.  I've always struggled with knowing what my dream was, I read books, try out new things, meditate on it, but have had a hard time realizing what am I meant to do ~ for crying out loud, I'm 31!  Now that I'm back in school I do believe I'm on the right track, BUT.

The other morning, after having to wake after only 5 hours of sleep, I was sitting at the kitchen table falling asleep into eating my wheat chex, when an idea hit me so hard it was like a meteor crashing into my skull.  I can't fathom taking something else on right now but this feels like a force greater than myself, something I'm compelled to do.  I'm trying not to be impulsive about this, because it is HUGE.  There is a lot of research involved and it may take years.  I know you are skipping past all this for me to get to the point waiting on the edge of your chairs for me to reveal what it is.  I am almost hesitant since I still have so much to learn.  What the heck.  Here goes..

Drumroll please.

I am taking on the world! country, one person in need at a time.  Sounds vague and anticlimactic but here's the thing.  I realized how many people complain about nothing being done in our country to help those in need.  People are waiting for a celebrity or the government to step in.  I say, we don't need them.  I really feel like it takes one person with a goal and passion to start a spark to build a flame and eventually an inferno.  My hope is that the people that complain about nothing being done will give.  And that people who have hope will give.  Give to what you ask?  I'm still working out the details, but first I think I'm going to tackle homelessness.  These are the details I have to work out.  The big picture is, to quote Ghandi:  Let's be the change we wish to see in this country, instead of waiting for someone else to do it!

I've started a separate blog about this endeavor, find it HERE.  Yes my dream and goal is a lofty one.  Maybe slightly crazy too.  But I have faith and hope in this dream.

Faith isn't the ability to believe long and far into the misty future.
It's simply taking God at His Word and taking the next step.
- Joni Erickson Tada

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